Morgan had her 1 month check up and Doctor thinks she is looking good. She weighed in a 9lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long. My new nick name for her "chunky monkey" because all she does is eat and she is starting to get some chunky cheeks and legs.
Tanner has also become a very good swimmer for his age. He really wants to be able to go down the big slide out our community pool so I think that is what keeps him trying. Everytime we go Morgan sleeps the whole time.
Tanner also loves to play with Morgan's baby toys. This week he got in her swing and I thought the legs were going to break. He likes sitting in the bouncing seat and I got some great pictures of Tanner showing Morgan how things work on the seat.
I have also been playing dress up with Morgan. On Thursday we met up with a friend and went out to the outlet mall. Tanner was a daycare so it was a girl's only day. Morgan was so cute in her jean skirt and hairbow.
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