Its so hard to believe that 9 years have passed and I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I got a call from my BFF Nicole to turn on the tv. I was socked that she was calling and that she was awake before me. We both sat and watch the news, The World Trade Center buildings were on fire. Shortly after the towels fell, I would receive the news that would forever rock my family... Donnie had CANCER. He was only 2 1/2! How, why, what did he do wrong? I was mad at God and really question my faith. Looking back on it now, I understand that God had a reason, and he choice Donnie and my family for a reason. My mom started a festival/fundraiser 3 year ago in my home town of Zwolle, La. Each year it has grown and they have raised $10,000+ each year, not bad for a small town of 3,000 people. The St. Jude Fall Fest is always held the second weeekend in September and this year it fell on Sept 11. It was nice to see the town come out and support such a great cause and all the St. Jude patients/families from the area.